Sunday, September 14, 2008


I always seem to turn to writing when I have a lot on my plate. I like the idea of anonymity. Even when I know my writing will not remain anonymous I write my true feelings and thoughts. What's going on with me? Well, I'm just getting over Ike. That's Hurricane Ike. He left us without water and many others without electricity. Houston officials are saying it could be up to a month before everyone gets electricity. That's crazy. I was without good water pressure for two days and I thought that was unbearable. Okay, I'm not someone who needs a lot of luxury in life. Goodness knows I've been homeless before, gone for weeks without a morsel of food, and wondering where or when I would next rest my head. I've been there and I said I'd never forget it. I guess this was a reminder. I have been living well. I have had a roof over my head, food to eat, a computer to type and electricity at my fngertips. Now I have to think about all of those without. We always forget them except during holidays, natural disasters and when they "force" their ways into our lives.

That whole episode there isn't wy I decided to write. I'm worried about our country. I know it mainly has to do with religious beliefs, but our economy, the pull of the EU, greater natural disasters, and the RFID really are creeping me out. Does everyone always think they're the last generation? Am I self-centered if i occasionally think all other people are just side-characters in my test?
Am I crazy for thinking that life isn't the same test for us all and it should be even? Maybe I'm just blind to think that we don't have it the same. Maybe in some tally we have it all equal.